- The Climate Risk Institute (CRI) hosts courses to advance adaptation in Ontario, and the Prairies:
o Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Training for Professional Planners (ON). CRI is collaborating with the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and Risk Sciences International to offer customized training for professional planners starting in March 2022. The training includes three modules: Climate Science and Adaptation; Climate Policy; and, Communication and Collaboration. All modules are facilitated by experts, feature case studies, and interactive exercises.
o In partnership with the Canadian Institute of Planners, CRI will also offer a stream specific to professional planners the Prairies region. The stream focuses on integrating regional information on climate change impacts, adaptation solutions, and policy frameworks, and helps build skills in climate engagement and communication. The date is not set, although expected for early 2022.
o Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) Credentialing Courses, launched initially by Engineers Canada, help infrastructure practitioners, including engineers, strengthen their knowledge and competencies to advance climate-resilient approaches for the planning, design, and management of infrastructure. There are two (2) course offerings in early 2022:
- Climate Change and Infrastructure Risk – the PIEVC Protocol (Wednesdays, starting January 19, 2022; and Wednesdays, starting February 23, 2022);
- Asset Management and Climate Resiliency (Tuesdays, starting February 15, 2022).
These courses and others will run throughout 2022. There is a sign up for IRP Course Notifications.
- The Government of Manitoba offers a Manitoba Climate Resilience Training (MRCT) portal to build the capacity and expertise of professionals (including engineers and planners), northern businesses, and Indigenous organizations and communities, to address climate change risks toward land use, water management and infrastructure. Training helps build capacity to integrate adaptation into planning, community engagement and decision making. Upcoming offerings are available for free, through March 2022, and include:
o Introduction to Costs & Benefits of Climate Change: Impacts and Adaptation for Northern Businesses (January 19, 2022);
o Infrastructure Climate Risk Assessment- Featuring the PIEVC Process (January 26, 2022);
o Climate Change, Indigenous Solutions and the Future (January 30, 2022);
o The “Dollars and Sense” of Climate Change (February 3, 2022);
o An Introduction to Climate Change through Codes, Standards and Regulations (February 9, 2022);
o Climate Change Funding for Business Resilience (February 16, 2022); and
o Nature-Based Infrastructure Solutions to Enhance Resilience (February 23, 2022).
Click here to download the MRCT Course Catalogue.
- Royal Roads University offers courses via the Adaptation Learning Network to help professionals integrate adaptation competencies into practice through training. Upcoming courses include:
o Intro to Climate Policy (January 24 – February 20, 2022);
o Climate Change Adaptation Fundamentals (February 27 – March 20, 2022);
o Natural Asset Management (April 4 – May 1, 2022);
o Ecosystems for the Future (April 25 – May 6, 2022); and
o Climate Change Perspective for Project Management (May 2 – 29, 2022).
Check out the courses page for other offerings.
- There is an upcoming nature-related offering (and the registration deadline is fast approaching):
o Your Forest in a Changing Climate is a free, two-day, conference (January 31 & February 1, 2022), presented by the New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners, and is geared toward woodlot owners and forestry professionals. There will be presentations and expert discussions on adapting silviculture management to generate resilient forests in the Acadian Forest region.
- The Saskatchewan Water Security Agency (WSA) offers courses in water management. Courses include:
o AgH2Onward is a free, two-day online workshop offered throughout 2022. There are several start dates in January, February and March. The workshop introduces innovative agricultural water management solutions towards strengthening farm and ranch operations. AgH2Onward includes these modules:
- The Agricultural Water Management Strategy in Saskatchewan;
- Effective agricultural water management tools and techniques; and
- How incorporating mitigation strategies can help you adapt to a changing climate.
o Introductory Qualified Persons Training sessions start on February 8 and on March 8, 2022. This course offers introductory concepts to help ensure that Qualified Persons or “QPs” have the skills and knowledge necessary to assist landowners in designing adaptive projects that meet the requirements for a drainage approval. The objective is to boost the resiliency of the agriculture water management sector.