MNAI Valuation Project (Riverview)

About the speaker

James Bornemann
Geomatics Manager, SERSC

I have spent my entire life falling in love with the coasts of Nova Scotia. After graduating with an MSc from Saint Mary’s University specializing in living shorelines and nature-based approaches to shoreline management, I joined CBWES while chasing my passion for restoring coastal habitats.

My goal is to work with nature to create healthy coastal ecosystems that can sustain healthy coastal communities.James Bornemann is a Geomatics Manager with the Southeast Regional Service Commission in NB. He has 10 years’ experience in climate change adaption. This work began as a researcher at Mount Allison University where he developed methods and tools to map and assess flood risks. Since 2013 he has worked at the SERSC where he incorporated flood adaptation into climate change, asset management and official community plans.

He recently completed two pilot projects with the Municipal Natural Assets Initiative to measure the stormwater and water supply ecosystem services wetlands and forests provide to the communities. James has a B.Sc. in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering and a M.Sc. in Forestry and Environmental Management.